We invite you to pray and consider how you may partner with the Horizon Vision Offering on Sunday 23rd June 2024 across all Horizon Church campuses.
On Sunday, 23rd June 2024, we will receive our annual Vision Offering across all Horizon campuses. Your faith-filled giving will continue to reduce debt and resource our campuses.
The Shirelive Foundation is a Public Ancillary Fund used primarily to support the loan commitments of the church building and its technical equipment, via distributions to the Shirelive Property Building Fund and the Shirelive Media and Performing Arts Fund.
From time to time donations to the Shirelive Foundation may be used to support the activities of other complying charities and outreach events.
Donations made to the Shirelive Foundation in this year’s 2023 Vision Offering are tax deductible. The Shirelive Foundation (ABN 7592907389) has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and will issue annual tax deductible receipts for all giving to this fund at the completion of the financial year.
If you own a business or have a family trust and would like to give through those, please have a discussion with Roger Head, Steve Lam or Gary Macarthur or email [email protected] to get in touch with them.
Many givers, however, may NOT require tax deductibility. Indicating this on the Give form allows us greater freedom to operate without the usage restrictions imposed by tax deductible funds.